Self-Care Special So. 09.02.2025
Nimm' Dir Zeit für Dich ♡

Aktuelle Veranstaltungen
Online oder in Gelnhausen, Einladung gibt's hier:
Sabines neues Audio ist da:
"Die Wirksamkeit ätherischer Öle aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht"
Hurra! Elisabeths Online Kurs
"Ätherische Öle Basics für Tiere" ist ab jetzt verfügbar

Your Natural “Upgrade”
Did you know that essential oils can do much more than just smell good?
High quality carefully distilled essential oils contain
the potent biochemicals of the plant from which they were obtained, and support us with all their diversity for our:
• emotional balance
• physical well-being
• a naturally clean home
• personal care and beauty
• relaxation and mindfulneww, ...
Why not make essential oils your companions and helpers in everyday life, using them as needed: e.g. externally, aromatically and internally...

Let's go
Already explored? Find all sorts of ressources to read, watch, listen to and immerse yourself in, to gain an insight into the fragrant world of plant powers...

Already decided? Of course you can try “one of those oils". You will really feel what they can do for you though when you make these plant helpers your companions in everyday life. For example, with a “Premium Starter Kit”: a set of carefully chosen oils with an ultrasonic diffuser is our recommendation for newcomers:

Welcome ♡
Elisabeth Wolf: Aroma Care Enthusiast since 2015
"Become active for your well-being because:
You have it in your hands - on all levels."
I believe that a healthy, fulfilling life depends on our daily choices - and of course staying on the good path of personal growth can be challenging.
So let's tackle it together!
Here you can learn how to set yourself up for success with natural products and a clear, positive mindset. I am Elisabeth - studied cultural studies (English & Western Studies) and have been an independent aroma consultant since 2015.
Write me your favorite topics:
What interests you about our...
essential plant powers in particular?
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(!!) Our business is based on recommendations: Please contact the person who first introduced you to Young Living and ask for their "Sponsor Enroller ID number" so that your order can be placed correctly and you can continue to receive all the support from your contact person ♡
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If you've just learned about Young Living here today,
let me be your consultant and please use my sponsor/enroller ID when ordering: 1849931 - Welcome!